Saturday, March 28, 2009

More of the same...

Victoria was sick, passed it to Travis. He has had laryngitis and last night started getting croupy and having difficulty breathing. I took him to the Emergency Room around 1 a.m. and they administered an oral steroid and a breathing treatment. Yes on croup, and they also think he has asthma. He gets the breating problems every time he gets ill, which admittedly is very rare. SO, I will follow up with the regular pediatrician this week.

Tomorrow I have an art class up in Everett. It's on composition and should be interesting. I printed out the approval form for the ANG MTP and have been looking for my scissors for a while now. *sigh*

Right now I'm stitching on a Melissa Shirley Easter egg when I have time - pretty much only while watching the girls at swimming. It's been a busy couple weeks!

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